The Stylet

Diversity and Systematics of Acoela and Nemertodermatida


Authorssort descendingYearTitle
J. Dörjes1968Zur Ökologie der Acoela (Turbellaria) in der Deutschen Bucht.
J. Dörjes1968Die Acoela (Turbellaria) der deutschen Nordseeküste und ein neues System der Ordnung.
J. Dörjes, Karling T. G.1975Species of Turbellaria Acoela in the Swedish Museum of Natural History, with remarks on their anatomy, taxonomy and distribution.
J. Dörjes, Young J. O.1975A note on the occurrence of Oligochoerus limnophilus Ax and Dörjes (Turbellaria, Acoela) in freshwater habitats in the Netherlands.
J. Dörjes, Young J. O.1973A note on the occurrence of Amphiscolops australis Haswell, 1905 (Turbellaria, Acoela) in the littoral zone at Mombasa (Kenya).
R. Düren, Ax P.1993Thalassogene Plathelminthen aus Sandstraenden von Elbe und Weser.
B. Ehlers, Ehlers U.1980Zur Systematik und geographischen Verbreitung interstitieller Turbellarien der Kanarschen Inseln.
U. Ehlers1994Ultrastructure of the unusual body-wall musculature of Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Acoela, Plathelminthes).
U. Ehlers1992"Pulsatile bodies" in Anaperus tvaerminnensis (Luther, 1912) (Acoela, Plathelminthes) are degenerating epidermal cells.
U. Ehlers1992Dermonephridia--modified epidermal cells with a probable excretory function in Paratomella rubra (Acoela, Plathelminthes).
U. Ehlers1992On the fine structure of Paratomella rubra Rieger &; Ott (Acoela) and the position of the taxon Paratomella Dörjes in a phylogenetic system of the Acoelomorpha (Plathelminthes).
U. Ehlers1980Interstitial Typhloplanoida (Turbellaria) from the area of Roscoff.
U. Ehlers, Dörjes J.1981Interstitial Fauna von Galapagos XXIII. Acoela (Turbellaria). Addendum.
U. Ehlers, Reise, K., Armonies, W.1995Scoliopharngia arenicola nov. spec (Platyhelminthes, Rhabdocoela) from burrows of the lugworm Arenicola marina on the intertidal flats near the island of Sylt (North Sea).
A. Faubel1984Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Wirkung von Rohöl und Rohöl/Tensid-Gemischen im Ökosystem Wattenmeer. X. Turbellaria. [Experimental Investigations about Effects of Crude Oil and Dispersed Crude Oil in Tidal Flat Environments 10.]
A. Faubel1977The distribution of Acoela and Macrostomida (Turbellaria) in the littoral of the North Frisian Islands, Sylt, Romo, Jordsand, and Amrum (North Sea).
A. Faubel1977Zwei neue interstitielle Arten der Acoela (Turbellaria) von Norwegen.
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A. Faubel, Kawakatsu, M., Froehlich, E. M., Jones, H. D., Sasaki, G.2004The present status of taxonomic studies on Acoela (Platyhelminthes) in Japan.
A. Faubel, Kolasa J.1978On the anatomy and morphology of a fresh water species of Acoela (Turbellaria): Limnoposthia polonica (Kolasa et Faubel, 1974).
A. Faubel, Regier S.1983Anatomy and taxonomy of new Acoela (Turbellaria) from the sublittoralof the northern North Sea.
A. Faubel, Warwick R. M.2005The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: Free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria')
F. F. Ferguson, Jones E. R.1949A survey of the shore-line fauna of the Norfolk peninsula.
R. Forsius1925Palmeniola n. n. statt Palmenia Luther 1912 nec Aro 1910.
G. Fraenkel1929Über die Geotaxis von Convoluta roscoffensis.
H. Fuhner1906Notizen zur Biologie von Convoluta roscoffensis Graff.
F. W. Gamble1893The Turbellaria of Plymouth Sound and the neighbourhood.
F. W. Gamble, Keeble F.1905On the isolation of the infecting organism (Zoochlorella) of Convoluta roscoffensis.
E. G. Gardiner1898The growth of the ovum, formation of the polar bodies, and the fertilization in Polychoerus caudatus.
E. G. Gardiner1895Early development of Polychaerus caudatus Mark.
P. Geddes1879Observations on the physiology and histology of Convoluta Schultzii.
J. Georgévitch1898Étude sur le développement da la Convoluta roscoffensis Graff.
L. GraffSubmittedAcoela und Rhabdocoela. Plathelminthes III. Turbellaria.
L. Graff1910Vergleichung der nordamerikanischen und europäischen Turbellarienfauna.
L. Graff1886Turbellarien von Lesina.
G. Granqvist1955Regular observations of temperature and salinity in the seas around Finland, July 1952 - June 1954.
J. S. Gray, Rieger R. M.1971A quantitative study of the meiofauna of an exposed sandy beach at Robin Hood's Bay, Yorkshire.
R. Gschwentner, Baric, S., Rieger, R.2002New model for the formation and function of sagittocysts: Symsagittifera corsicae n. sp. (Acoela).
R. Gschwentner, Ladurner, P., Nimeth, K., Rieger, R.2001Stem cells in a basal bilaterian. S-phase and mitotic cells in Convolutriloba longifissura (Platyhelminthes, Acoela).
R. Gschwentner, Ladurner, P., Salvenmosr, W., Rieger, R. M., Tyler, S.1999Fine structure and evolutionary significance of sagittocysts of Convolutriloba longifissura (Acoela, Platyhelminthes).
R. Gschwentner, Mueller, J., Ladurner, P., Rieger, R., Tyler, S.2003Unique patterns of longitudinal body-wall musculature in the Acoela (Plathelminthes): the ventral musculature of Convolutriloba longifissura.
M. A. Gureeva1985The enantiomorphic cleavage patterns in Turbellaria Acoela.
M. A. Gureeva, Mamkaev Y. V.1985Morphological egg-cleavage patterns in acoelous turbellarians (Acoela). 1. Variants of egg-cleavage patterns in the genus Convoluta. / 2. Variants of egg-cleavage patterns in Oxyposthia predator.[In R
E. D. Hanson1961Convoluta sutcliffei, a new species of acoelous Turbellaria.
B. Hanstroem1928Vergleichende Anatomie des Nervensystems der wirbellosen Tiere unter Berücksichtigung seiner Funktion.
W. A. Haswell1905Studies of the Turbellaria. Part I.
M. Hellwig1987Ökologie freilebender Plathelminthen in Grenzraum Watt-Salzwiese lenitischer Gezeitenkuesten.
J. Hendelberg, kesson B. Å.1991Studies of the budding process in Convolutriloba retrogemma (Acoela, Platyhelminthes).
J. Hendelberg, kesson B. Å.1988Convolutriloba retrogemma gen. et sp. n., a turbellarian (Acoela, Platyhelminthes) with reversed polarity of reproductive buds.
C. Henley1974Platyhelminthes (Turbellaria).


Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith